
About the trip

We are excited to return to Kenya and partner with Pastor Nathan & his family’s ministry. The New Beginning Ministry Center was formed in 2005 as a pastors training conferences, but God has since grown the ministry into a church planting movement. There have been 16 churches started since its inception and God is preparing leaders for even more. Through God’s direction these churches and pastors at the Ministry Center have expanded its pastoral ministry to incorporate: orphan care, widow care, small business training, operating medical centers, sports outreaches to minister to youth, and reaching unreached tribes with the gospel.

It is amazing to sit back and think of what God has done through faithful and obedient followers over the years. This year is no exception we are excited for you to join us as we continue to be obedient to the call of Christ in reaching the people of Kenya with the gospel!


Dates: June 8-20th

Cost: $2,500-$3,100) Varies by Departure city

Payment Due: April 20th

A $100 deposit is needed by March 10th to hold your spot. Full payment is needed by April 20th.

Follow “Pay Deposit” link and choose Kenya Missions. Make payment and then text Nathan (937)-417-1823 to confirm.

Preperation Guide

Missions work in another country & traveling overseas requires adequate preparation. We have compiled some things for your to think through, as well as a list of things you can begin to work on starting right now.

Fundraising Ideas

Traveling across the world to further the gospel and God’s kingdom can be an expensive endeavor. Well worth it though, I promise! To help you think through ways to pay for your trip we have compiled a list of fundraising ideas. But really, it’s way more than fundraising - it’s vision casting. Raising support provides an opportunity for you to tell people about what God is doing in your life, as well as invite them into kingdom advancing work!

Vision for Kenya Trip

Why go on a mission trip? Why go to Kenya? Why use a soccer tournament to partner with the local church? How are we seeking to further the kingdom of God? Let us share with you the vision behind KENYA 2019.

What to pack?

Never been to Kenya? Never slept in a hut? Never lived without electricity? Never flown before? Never been on a mission trip? No worries! We have made (and will continue to update) a packing list for you. If your a planner, you don’t have to wait until the night before, you can start gathering up and looking for items you will need to bring starting today!